د طالبانو حکومت د اوو لويو کانونو د ايستلو او پروسېس تړونونه لاسليک کړي

سيد حسين پاچا


د طالبانو حکومت د اوو لويو کانونو د ايستلو او پروسېس تړونونه لاسليک کړي

د حامد مير د مرکې له مخې له دې ډول تړونونو د طالبانو د شلکلن کوربه ملاتړي د واک  او يو ډول ملکيتي تصرف ناولی بوي راپورته کيږي. دوی ((طالبان)) اوس موږ د مذهب سپېڅلې پريښتې او که د پاکستان – ازبکستان د ګازو د نلليکې پوليس او د هغوی ملېشه وبولو؟

ملا متقي خپلو وسله والو مخالفانو ته؛ نړۍ ملاتړ نه درڅخه کوي

کابل کې لويه غونډه؛ طالب چارواکي: د هېواد قيادت او مشورې به علماوو سره وي

Hamid Mir:

128,519 views 19 Oct 2014

Speaking at the Indian Express’ Idea Exchange event, Hamid Mir, Executive Editor with GEO TV, recounts his meeting with Mullan Omar and Osama Bin Laden Indian Express, The Indian Express Newspaper, The Indian Express, Indian express news, Indian express editorial Today’s Indian Express newspaper offers a comprehensive package of news, including Indian Express editorial analysis and Indian Express analysis today. This well-respected publication covers a wide range of topics in its India Express editorial and Indian Express news sections. Stay informed with the Indian Express newspaper today.

نيوکه :

کابل کې لويه غونډه؛ طالب چارواکي: د هېواد قيادت او مشورې به علماوو سره وي.

دا د پنجاب د هغه يوولسو نامشروعو غوښتنو يوه ناولې غوښتنه او نه تر سره کېدونکې هيله ده چې د تېر مخکېني ولسمشر حامد کرزي په وخت کې له امرالله صالح سره مطرح کړې وې. پاکستان د خپلو نامشروعو غوښتنو لاس نه اخلي او خپلو دغو نامشروعو غوښتنو مشروعيت ته يې له برتانيا له يوې خيريه بنسټه يو څو تنه علماء د ((حقيقت موندنې)) په پلمه تېر ايستلي وو او هلته ورته امير خان متقي چې د کابل په اوسنۍ اداره کې پاکستان د خپلو ګټو د خونديتوب لپاره ټاکلی او مقرر کړی دی غلط اذان کړی او د هغوی ذهنيت يې ورته مسموم کړی او له حقيقته يې ليرې ساتلي دي. زموږ ستونزه ملايي ستونزه نه ده، بلکې دا جيوپوليتيک، اقتصادي او د ستراتيژيکې ژورتيا اړخونه لري چې دا د ملايانو پورې اړه نه لري، بلکې له ذيدخلو اړخونو پورې اړه لري چې څنګه پخپلو کې جوړيږي او څنګه خپلې ګټې پخپلو کې سره ويشي.

د جګړې پټ اړخونه

د ۲۰۱۱ ز کال د مئ مياشت کې د اسامه بن لادن له وژل کېدو وروسته پاکستان افغانستان ته وړانديز وکړ چې دا وړانديز له کوم لاسليک پرته افغان حکومت ته ورکړل شو او پکې ليکل شوي وو که دا يوولس شرطونه ومنل شي، نو طالبان جګړه ختموي او سوله کوي. دا پټ شرطونه څه ول؟ دا شرطونه پر خپل ځای پاته دي، که دا د ذلت شرطونه ومنو، نو سبا هم سوله راتلای شي.

هغه شرطونه په دې ډول دي :

  • لومړی شرط :

پاکستان وايی چې تاسې هېڅکله بايد د ډيورنډ کرښه ونه وايی، بلکې سرحد ووايی. د دې سرحد د ساتنې (امن) لپاره بايد ګډ کاري کميسيون (ټيم) جوړ شي.

  • دويم شرط :

د اوبو پر سر بايد د افغانستان وپاکستان ترمينځ کومه شخړه نه وي. دواړه هېوادونه بايد يو هوکړه ليک لاسليک کړي چې کومه شخړه رامينځته نه شي. دا يو څه معقول شرط وو.

  • درېيم شرط :

د افغانستان د پوځ او ملي امنيت دېرش سلنه ( ٪۳۰ ) به په پاکستان کې وګورئ (وروزئ).

  • څلورم شرط :

پاکستان بايد له قيد وشرط پرته منځنۍ اسيا ته لاسرسی ولري.

  • پينځم شرط :

افغان حکومت بايد [ټول] ستراتيژيک تړونونه له غرب (لويديځ) سره لغوه کړي.

  • شپږم شرط :

د افغانستان د کانونو او زېرمو په کېندنه کې بايد پاکستان، چين او افغانستان ونډه ولري او د حساب / حصار حق ولري. نورو شرکتونو ته بايد اجازه نه وي چې په افغانستان کې کانونه استخراج کړي.

  • اووم شرط :

د پاکستان او افغانستان د استخباراتو ترمينځ بايد اړيکې جوړې شي. يا په بل عبارت د افغانستان استخبارات دې د آی ايس آی يوه څانګه وګرځي.

  • اتم شرط :

که چېرې تاسې خپل تړون له لويديځو هېوادونو سره لغوه کوئ او که تشه رامينځته کيږي، نو ژمنه کوو چې چين، پاکستان او افغانستان به يوه ستراتيژيکه هوکړه رامينځته کړو. که امريکايان وځي، نو ستونزه به پاکستان او چين حل کوي.

  • نهم شرط :

د هندوستان قونسلګرۍ چې په ولايتونو (کندهار، هرات او ننګرهار) کې دي بايد وويستل شي. او هندي شرکتونو ته بايد اجازه ورنه کړل شي چې په افغانستان کې پانګونه وکړي.

  • لسم شرط :

هغه کسان، شخصيتونه، ميډيا (رسنۍ) او نور چې د پاکستان ضد څرګندونې کوي بايد چوپ (غلې) شي. که نه چوپ (غلې) کيږي، نو بايد وتړل شي.

  • يولسم شرط :

د ډيورنډ کرښې آخوا له پښتنو مشرانو سره خپلې اړيکې پرې کړئ. که افغان حکومت غواړي چې پښتنو مشرانو ته بلنه ورکړي چې پښتانه مشران افغانستان ته راشي بايد د پاکستان له حکومت څخه اجازه واخلي. موږ به هم همداسې کوو. هڅه دې وشي چې پښتانه سره بيل (جلا) شي. کوز پښتانه بايد خپله سياسي قبيله ”سياسي قبله“ اسلام اباد وګڼي او د نورو پښتنو قبيله ”قبله“ بايد کابل وي.


دا يوولس غوښتنې وې. که دا غوښتنې ومنل شي، نو افغانستان شا تګ ته ځي. هغه پټ جنګ کې چې موږ يې قرباني ورکوو هغه دا يوولس مسايل دي. افغانان به هېڅکله دا ذليله شرطونه ونه مني.


خلک وايی چې تاسې د افغانستان د پت ساتونکي نه ياستئ، خو موږ د افغانستان د وقار ساتونکي يو. که نن ووايم چې ”زه افغان نه يم“، نو بيا پر ما باندې هېڅکله بريد نه کيږي.


پاکستان د افغانستان د هويت له مينځه وړل غواړي. پاکستان غواړي چې اوسنی افغان نسل له خپل تاريخه بې خبره وي. نه موږ اټومي وسلې لرو، نه پياوړی اقتصاد لرو، خو يو پياوړی هويت وبيرغ لرو چې زموږ هويت يې ساتلی دی. پاکستان غواړي چې دا د دواړه له موږه واخلي. طالبان ولې غواړي د مولانا فضل الرحمن بيرغ پر موږ باندې تحميل کړي؟ زموږ په بيرغ کې څه کم دي چې تاسې يې پر وړاندې جنګېږئ؟ تاسې د افغانستان لپاره نه جنګېږئ، ستاسې د جګړې لامل دا يوولس ذليله شرطونه دي.

د پاکستان ۱۱ذليله غوښتنې چې امرالله صالح د کابل د سولې په کنفرانس کې رسوا کړي، دلته په دې ويډيو کې يې واورئ


امرالله صالح يو ځل بيا د پاکستان او مخالفانو دوستي رسوا کړه، دمخاليفينو مغز د‌ پاکستان د پوځ لاس کې دي


اسفنديار ولي: مشرف راڅخه وغوښتل چې پر کرزي ډيورنډ ومنم


نړۍ به دوی څنګه په رسميت وپېژني؟

حال دا چې اوس د پاکستان نوی مؤقتي لومړی هم دا مني او په زغرده يې رسنيو ته څرګنده کړه چې د دوی ((طآلبانو)) حکومت قانوني حيثيت / مشروعيت نه لري.

د حامد مير د سترګو ليدلی حال :

Hamid Mir story

The Taliban movement emerged in Afghanistan in 1994. In 1995 I was travelling with the Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto to the United State. There was I remember 50th anniversary of the United Nations “UN” and I remember that Benazir met ambassador Robin Raphael in New York.  And we came to know that ambassador Robin Raphael asked Benazir Bhutto to announce for support for Afghan Taliban. And it was you see very disturbing thing and I wrote a column from New York that here is first Muslim elected female Prime Minister not only in Pakistan but in the whole Muslim World. She was elected first woman Prime Minister. Afghan Taliban are imposing ban on the girl education in Afghanistan, and she has been asked by Robin Raphael another female to announce her support for the Afghan Taliban.

So, in those days the journalist who used to travel with the Prime Minister “هم ايک جهاز مين سفر کرتی تهی”. So, when we are coming back from the New York, I was not aware that the Press Information Department (PID) from Islamabad they faxed my column to the Press Information Press Councillor (PIPC) in New York and he made-up by hand and presented to the Prime Minister. So, the Prime Minister called me in the plane and he she said “Oh, you are criticising me.” I said “Yeh” because this is democracy, and “I don’t like Taliban and you are supporting the Taliban” and on the rest of Robin Raphael.

She asked her dear minister Naseerullah Baber by the way in those days Shabqadar Musa was also part of the people party. But he was not in that play. So, when the interim minister asked to bravely. “Why Taliban are good for Pakistan?

So, we reached back to Pakistan and after few days another colleague of mine Nusrat Javed so in the interim minister organised a BP/VP for me and Nusrat Jawed and they explained that “We are using Taliban as the pipeline police.

We want a gas pipeline from Uzbekistan to Pakistan and there is nobody who can protect the gas pipeline because the government in Kabul the Northern Alliance supported by the Indian and the Iranian and they may destroy the gas pipeline.

So, it will come through in area where the Afghan Taliban can protect the gas pipeline so “that why we are promoting this militia that they will help our economic interests.” So, then I said “OK”. “I would like to meet you now.

نوټ :

په پورته څلورو پاراګرافونو کې د پاکستان ټوله اصلي موخه ((مدعا)) او د طالبانو څېره ښه تراشلې ده او تاسې د پاکستان دې سپکاوي ((اهانت)) او بې شرمۍ ته ګوره چې څنګه يې خپلې ناولې موخې د مذهب تر پوښښ لاندې زموږ په نالوستو طالبانو او د خپلو استخباراتو او نظاميانو پورې اړوند ملايانو او اسلامي ډلو ټپلو تر فتواو لاندې منسجمې (مديريت)) او منعکس کړې وې. ان تر دې چې خپلې ګټې يې پرې هم په افغانستان کې تظمين او پرله پسې تعقيب کړې، ځکه خو د څارګرې ادارې يو مخکېني جنرال اسد دُراني په يوې يوټيوبي مرکه کې دا ومنله او خورا په تبسم يې وويل چې پاکستان په افغانستان کې خپلو موخو ته رسېدلی دی. تاسې وګورئ چې د بې نظيرې کاکا نصير الله بابر دوی ته ((د خپلې ګاز نلليکې پوليس)) ويلي او هم يې ورته د ((ملېشې)) کليمه کارولې، نو طالبان او اسلامي امارت دې اوس ښه ژور سوچ وکړي چې دوی دې خپل شل کلن جنګ ته څه توجيه ورکوي ؟ او هم د لويديځې نړۍ هغه بوډا حقوقپوه ورته د ((مقاومت)) کليمه ولې کاروله؟ زموږ د پوهنتونونو د هغه هر اړخيزې علمي کچې ارزښت اخر څه شو؟ د ښاغلي ولسمشر محمد اشرف غني د وينا له مخې چې موږ په جنګ کې ماتې نه، بلکې په سياست کې مو ماتې وخوړه دلته ښه ترا جوتيږي  چې له موږ ملايانو رانيولې تر سياستوالو او حقوقپوهانو او د ټولنې هر يو قشر پکې سخت تېروتلی او ښوېيدلې دی.

So, my dear Mr Okay, we will fix your vending. And within few days by the way, my colleague Nusrat Javed refused to meet him.

He said, “I cannot meet the person who is imposing bans on the girl’s education.

So, I get “Okay” I will meet him.

So, I met him in Kandahar. It was a very interesting meeting.

And when he asked me that “Why do you are write against me?

So, I said, because you’re working for the American.

He said, “How can you prove that?

I said, because Robin Raphael supporting you.

He said, “Who is Robin Raphael?

I said, “She is a lady.

He said, “ولاحول ولاقوّة الّا بالله”. “A lady is supporting me!

So, then I was astonished. And I thought that he is not aware that Robin Raphael is a male or a female.

And my interpreter was a young Afghan boy. And I look toward him, and he was the smiling. So, then he said, “You see the radio Tehran is exporting your column. so, last two nights Radio Tehran is using your column and becoming me and saying Mullah Omar is an American agent.

So, I said, if the US United States supporting you and I am evident. [I am evident.] The Prime Minister of Pakistan was asked by Robin Raphael to support you and you are working for them.

He said “OK”. If I fix your meeting. But if they are the enemy of America then you do write that I am not an American agent?

I said, “Who is that enemy?

He said, “Osama bin-e-Laden.

So, this is you know …. the end of 1995. And Osama bin-e-Laden was not in Afghanistan in that time. So, sometimes passed and he came to Afghanistan in May 1996 and then the government of Benazir Bhutto was stacked-fall and in November 1996 Nawaz Sharif came to the power and in March 1997 I was contacted by the information minister of Afghan Government name was Amir Khan Muttaqi. So, he said do you remember your meeting with Mullah Omar which was organised by Naseerullah Babar?

I said “Yes.

So, he said, “He made a promise with you?

And “He is the man who always fulfil his promise.

So, your meeting is fixed, and you have to go. So, that how my first meeting with Osama bin Laden was organised in Tora Nora “توره بوره” by Mulla Omar but it takes to Benazir Bhutto and Naseerullah Babar.

And you so met Osama bin Laden after 9/11?

No. I met him again in 1998. Interestingly, when I was going to meet him in 1998. I was arrested by the Taliban. Because they came to know, and I will go and interview him. And in those days, he was under the pressure of Nawaz Sharif government that you should impose some restrictions on Osama bin Laden on the American pressure. So, I was arrested and then I was released in the police station which I was detained about the attack by the al-Qaida.

So, I came to know about their internal defences and contradiction and then after 09/11 in November 2001 I met him again. That was my third meeting. I asked him many questions and the main question was that “Why you organised this attack in New York and Washington?

And he was not accepting his responsibility directly, but he was prising all those who were part of that attack. And then he criticised the Pakistan government policy and then I asked them questions. There was a hummer that the Osama bin Laden night was with the doctor of Mulla Omar. Then he said “No.”

So, there were a lot of, but you see there was a change in the attitude because when I interviewed him first time in 1997 at that time he was not talking about the Palestine, and he was not talking about the International Jihad against the America.

In 1997 he was proposing regional alliance between Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and China. His thinking was strategic but after 9/11 when I met him, he was talking about this Khilafat “خلافت” and International Jihad against the America and Palestine.

In 1997 he was talking about the regional alliance and in 2001 he was talking about International Jihad. So, he was a change mind and I thought maybe because his close association was with Zawahir/wain.

He was soft speaking?

Yeh. He was [you see] there was a big contradiction between his action and his way of speaking. And I must say that whenever I met him, I got an expression that I am meeting with the ridiculer.


Yeh, very smart. Very charming.

Your meant charming.

You think and you met him so many times and you follow the whole story. Did his death make a substantive deference to the al-Qaeda the terrorism in the region? Do you think if we had been analysed it could have been difficult?

I think that he was a threat for the peace in this region and he was definitely sleepy. He was not issuing his video or audio messages for very long time. But he was making contacts with different groups not only not only Pakistani triable area but Somalia, Iraq – okay.

And this Asif Omar the new al-Qaeda cheep of the South Asia chapter he was also in contact with him. And the American discovered some documents from his hidden place and they killed him, and they were going back, and they confiscated some computers and documents. So, through both documents it was discovered that he was in contact, and he was trying to organise some more attacks not in this region but outside of this region.

And after his death I think that al-Qaeda is was shattered but now they are reorganising the al-Qaeda and I think that this new South Asia chapter of al-Qaeda it is very dangerous. We should not underestimate them. Why I say that because of right now there is a lot of tension between India and Pakistan. And if India and Pakistan God forbid and if they fight with each other, they will be ultimate beneficiary. They can organise a big attack in India, a big attack in Pakistan and maybe in Afghanistan. [And they will] If there is a hard response from India or Pakistan and a warlord situation created so they will be successful in their strategy. So, should be very careful about that.

***      ***      ***

I just want to reemphasise this last point because we keep hearing from some of our Indian officials and so on that if there is another terrorist attack in India or large skilled terrorist attack like the unfortunate tragedy in Mumbai that may provoke a lot of war and as Hamid was said there are forces in the region who would like to provoke such a war. So, therefore, it just if won’t surprise me if they are trying and as a provoke attack in Pakistan and somehow you know they get with the hard-line 11 said or the other block. So, I think we need to plot in our minds and also plot this if possible so that we have a common enemy and the common enemy is this terrorist who can create a problem in our countries.

په درنښت

سيد حسين پاچا


Hamid Mir talks about his meeting Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar


Watch “Hamid Mir Gives Inside Story On Mullah Omar In Pakistan” on YouTube

‘Robin Raphael Convinced Benazir to Support the Taliban’ – US Embassy




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